May 20, 2010

Current Events on Argentina:

Here is Argentina's Current Events on Corruption Puts Argentines in Sour Mood:
On a recent visit to Argentina, I found the people much more frustrated, angry and skeptical about their collective future than at any time in recent years.

Contrary to what one might think, the general sense of hopelessness is not due to the economy.
Argentina has sailed through the world economic crisis relatively unscathed thanks to high commodity prices, and economists project a growth of at least 4 percent this year.
Rather, it's because Argentines see no way out for the massive political corruption that seems to be condemning this country to lagging increasingly behind some of its neighbors -- especially Brazil and Chile -- and keeping it from drastically reducing poverty and crime rates. This corruption that Argentina is in is a really sour one because the corruption as been 4% this year.

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